Don’t Lose Hope: Like The Flamingos, You Get Your Pink back

Sick Days & Mom Life

If you noticed I missed my usual Thursday post, it’s because my daughter has been sick. Being a mother is challenging but so rewarding.

They drive you a little crazy with their constant questions, the endless “Mom!” calls, snack requests, begging for more TV time, mood swings, meltdowns, and everything in between. But at the same time, you can’t imagine life without them—and you wouldn’t want to. I don’t even sleep as well when my girl isn’t home. There’s something in me that just wants to protect her every moment.

Nobody really talks about how motherhood changes everything—your brain, body, relationships, routines, exhaustion levels, overwhelm, and even your hormones. You give everything to that child.

I recently heard that when flamingos have babies, they actually lose their pink color. (Yes, this is true! Their feathers fade because they transfer so many nutrients to their chicks.) I thought that was such a powerful visual—God created a physical representation of what we, as mothers, experience. But here’s the good news: flamingos get their pink back. And so will you.

There’s hope for you—hope for your body, your mind, your routines, your relationships. Yes, motherhood asks a lot from you, but in return, you’re gaining something so precious: children. “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.” (Psalm 127:3-4)

God has entrusted us with these little people—not just to love them but to disciple them. And that means I have to work on me first. I have to face my fears, my discipline struggles, my emotional outbursts, my selfishness, my idols, and my priorities.

Motherhood is the most important job in the world. It’s also my favorite.

Those are my sick day thoughts. I’ll be back this Thursday—thanks for extending grace to me!